LaTeX table example

Etc 2009. 12. 22. 19:03

위와 같은 표를 만들려면



hhline (hline말고)

기능이 필요하다.

hhline을 쓰려면 usepackage에 hhline을 넣으면 된다.


\multicolumn{5}{c}{$V_{p-p}$ (V)} \\
\multirow{2}{*}{R (k\ohm)} & \multicolumn{4}{|c}{C (\uf)} \\
& 3.3 & 2.5 & 1 & 0.5 \\
1 & 3.84 & 4.06 & 4.28 & 4.28 \\
2 & 3.2 & - & - & - \\
3 & 2.64 & - & - & - \\
4 & 2.28 & - & - & - \\
5 & 2 & 2.34 & 3.6 & 4.26 \\
6 & 1.76 & - & - & - \\
7 & 1.6 & - & - & - \\
8 & 1.48 & 1.76 & - & - \\
9 & 1.36 & 1.64 & - & - \\
10 & 1.24 & 1.52 & 1.38 & 3.64 \\

\caption{R, C와 ripple size}



Winning tips

Etc 2009. 12. 22. 16:18

Heel Rush

R1+↓ 또는 R1+↑ (동시에 누름)

Drag Back

←← 또는 →→ (연타)

Drag Back 2

←↓↓ 또는 ←↑↑

→↓↓ 또는 →↑↑

Heel Flick

원하는방향키 연타


Unlift Ball

←,→(반대도 해두 됨)

Body Feint

↓↓ 또는 ↑↑ (연속으로 빠르게)

Flip Flap


New Flip Flap


Marseille Roulete


Drag back To V-Feint

←←,↘ 또는 ↗

Ronaldo Chop

←←,↘(V페인트후) R1+ →또는←

Feint Flick

↓ ←

Cross Flick


동영상 보면서 트레이닝 모드로 연습 ㄱㄱ


Katana, OSX and Eclipse

Machine Learning 2009. 12. 13. 22:25

* Install "Eclipse Classic" (cuz we require 'Ant' to use existing makefiles)

* Install CDT via Software update by adding the following site

* How to create a (existing makefile)project in Eclipse

* How to use 'Ant'


Listing 1. Ant build file for working with unzip
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="unzip" default="make">
Ant adaptor for the unzip Makefile.
<target name="make" description="build unzip">
<exec executable="make">
<arg value="-f"/>
<arg value="unix/Makefile"/>
<arg value="generic"/>
<target name="test" description="test unzip"
<exec executable="make">
<arg value="-f"/>
<arg value="unix/Makefile"/>
<arg value="test"/>
<target name="install" description="install unzip"
<exec executable="make">
<arg value="-f"/>
<arg value="unix/Makefile"/>
<arg value="install"/>
<target name="clean" description="clean unzip">
<exec executable="make">
<arg value="-f</arg>
<arg value="unix/Makefile</arg>
<arg value="clean"/>
</exec></target> </project>

Now you can right-click the build.xml file and run it as an Ant build (Run As > Ant Build). The launch dialog (see Figure 15) lets you choose which build target to run.

Figure 15. The build targets for our unzip project
The build targets for our unzip project

You can see your build progress in the Console view, which will fill up with the output of your make command. As you can see from Figure 16, you've done it!
