katty on osx
Machine Learning 2010. 1. 9. 14:59컴파일 성공 with xcode
Linking matlab dylib on xcodeOSX 2010. 1. 9. 14:58* add "-leng -lmx" on "Other Linker Flags" * add "/Applications/MATLAB_R2008a/extern/include" on "Header Search Paths" * add "/Applications/MATLAB_R2008a/extern/bin/maci" on "Library Search Paths" * add "install_name_tool -change /private/var/automount/mathworks/BLR/devel/bat/Amake/build/3p/install/51724/maci/hdf5/lib/libhdf5.0.dylib @loader_path/libhdf5.0.dylib libmat.dylib" on "Targets->{app_name}->Run Script" cf) install_name_tool -change "old path" "new path" "target file" ODE on Xcode (Leopard)Machine Learning 2010. 1. 7. 14:240. Compile ode.11.1 according to the instruction in the 'readme' file - If it doesn't copy libs and headers in /usr/local/** then; -- copy libdrawstuff.a, libdrawstuff.la, libode.a, libode.la into /usr/local/lib -- copy ode/*.h into /usr/local/include/ode -- copy drawstuff/*.h into /usr/local/include/drawstuff 1. File->New Project->Command LIne Utility/C++ Tool 2. Select folder and Name the project as you want 3. Create Group names "Frameworks" and add 3 Frameworks (AGL.Framework, Carbon.Framework and OpenGL.Framework)
4. Drag 3 frameworks and drop them into Target->[yourProjectName]->Copy Files
5. Copy contents of "demo_friction.cpp" (for example) and past it on the main.cpp file.
6. Goto "project [yourProjectName] Info" -> "Build" Tap -> "Search Paths" section; - add "/usr/local/include" on "Header Search Paths" - add "/usr/local/lib" on "Library Search Paths" 7. Goto "project [yourProjectName] Info" -> "Build" Tap -> "Linking" section; - add "-ldrawstuff -lode" on "Other Linker Flags"
8. Copy "texturepath.h" and "textures" folder into your project directory 9. Compile and Run~! |